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2008 Montana Tractor 4940C.
2008 Montana Tractor 4940C
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Address: Springdale, AR Body Style: Tractors
Item Class: AGRICULTURE Horsepower: 49 hp
Capacity: Ball Ends:Ball Ends:  Ball Ends:Ball Ends: 3,1
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2008 Montana Tractors 4940C Utility TractorUtility tractors...the definition of "utility" (something that is useful). Put a set of industrial tires on the 4940 and you've got a mean looking green machine that's as tough as it looks. And the 4940 handles those mean jobs that others don't like to mess with. It's one tough tractor, but you don't have to give up the creature comforts. The BIG SKY CAB is fully loaded with air conditioning, heat and an AM/FM radio – and the view from up here is just like watching a big screen movie.
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