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2009 Leeboy 7000 Conveyor T.
2009 Leeboy 7000 Conveyor T
More 2009 Leeboy 7000's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Prospect, PA Body Style: AsphaltPavers
Engine Manufacturer: Hatz Horsepower: 56 hp (42 kW)
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NEW LEEBOY 7000 PAVERFrom the entry level 1000F tilt-hopper paver to the innovative 9000, 8816, 8515 and 8510 conveyor pavers, LeeBoy pavers are designed with the paving professional in mind. The LeeBoy 8816 conveyor paver extends that innovation to a track driven 25,000 pound production class paver that is affordable and versatile. All LeeBoy pavers feature the Legend Screed System famous for producing seamless mats up to 15 feet in width. LeeBoy 8500 series pavers feature the durability, reliability and productivity that make them ideal for commercial and mainline paving applications. The LeeBoy Legend Electric Screed system gives contractors the choice between propane fired or economical, efficient electric heating systems.
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