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Photo #0077680A Photo #0077680B Photo #0077680C Photo #0077680D
Photo #0077680E Photo #0077680F Photo #0077680G
2010 LOFLIN SKID STEER LOADER MONSTER GRAPPLE, This skid steer attachment is absolutely vital in the tree industry and is quickly becoming a necessity among all contractors today. We offer this unique skid steer attachment in a variety of sizes for a variety of applications: the Standard Root Grapple and the Monster Root Grapple. Skid Steer Loader Root GrapplePerform 3 jobs in one In a single pass the root grapple rakes away debris, keeps it in a manageable pile to move around with ease, and the round bottom bar provides the necessary tool for backfill. Load or pile logs, brush, rocks, demolition debris, and many other materials. Ideal for separating dirt from rock, lumber, or building materials with ease. The larger capacity means less loading and will save both time and energy. Lower your labor costs and shorten project schedules. Hydraulic cylinders operate independently to adjust for uneven loads. Enclosed cylinders and hoses come standard to minimize maintenance. Tines curve upward in order to slide across the land without damaging topsoil or catching utility lines or cables. Monster Root Grapple We boast the largest loading capacity of any root grapple on the market with this enormous skid steer attachment. You would think that it was produced for backhoes or trackhoes, but it's design came about due to the increasing horsepower of skid steer loaders. This one is recommended for 75 horsepower skid steers or above. It's constructed of " top quality steel plate. (60,000 psi) Opened, the distance from tine to tine measures a whopping 52". Depth from inside front to back is 47". The framing of this monster root grapple consists of 4" x 4" tubing and 3" pipe. Don't let that extra HP go to waste and get the most out of the skid steer's lifting capacity. Available in 3 sizes: 72", 78" and 84". Cylinders: 2" bore, 10" stroke, 1.25" pins Bucket Tines: 8.5"-9" spacing, .5"-4"thickness, .5" 60,000psi min materials Grapple Tines: 52" opening height, 47" opening depth, .5" 60,000 psi min materials
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