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Photo #0064673A Photo #0064673B Photo #0064673C Photo #0064673D
ETNYRE ETNYRE â¿¿EASY-MIXâ¿¿ MODEL DM-6025, TM-020-007 USED DRUM-MIXER PLANT FOR SALE -- MAKE : ETNYRE EASY-MIX MODEL DM-6025 Etnyre Easy-Mix DM-6025 100 TPH 60 dia x 25 long parallel-flow stationary drum-mixer, material entry chute w/by-pass chute for calibration, outlet housing, heavy-duty structural steel frame and legs and Industrial Combustion Model DL-300-P 42 MBTU/Hr.oil-capable burner system. --- Three (3) compartment stationary cold feed system w/24 wide variable speed feeder belts, manually adjustable gates and 24 wide collector belt conveyor feeding onto 24 wide x 35 long inclined belt conveyor equipped w/electronic digital weigh belt scale. ---- Boeing 75-ton hotmix silo w/anti-segregation gob hopper Insulation,electric heat on the cone, access ladder and safety handrail and fed by inclined 72 long main drag slat conveyor rated @ 350 TPH w/safety access walkway and motor platform. Versair Model AF-I stationary fabric baghouse sized for 15,792 ACFN @ 6 : 1 air-to-cloth ratie and Incl. exhaust fan, 75 H.P. motor, stack and large capacity air compressor for the filter bag cleaning cycle. - 10,000 gal. stationary direct-fired liquid A/C storage tank, 15,000 gal.Sellers Electric stationary liquid A/C storage tank (incl.electric heating for hot circulating oil)and liquid A/C pump/meter skid to proportion the flow of A/C into drum-mixer. -- 10,000 gal. skid-mounted fuel tank. -- Plant control house containing blending control, burner control, cold feed control and start-stop operator panel plus all necessary starters, breakers and above-ground flexible wiring harness in PVC conduct. - LOCATION EAST COAST US. PRICE $65,000.00 Stock # A52 "AS IS WHERE IS" Call Mark Hockaday Henry Mfg. Co. .
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