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P80Ditch Witch rod pushers are compact, economical, powerful and easily transportable solutions for long-distance trenchless installation of pipe, interduct, conduit and cable. Bore with directional control to 500 feet (152 m) or more with the P80. KEY FEATURES: -Power: *Model P80 produces 80,000 lb (36 800 kg) thrust/pullback at 2,500 psi (172 bar). -Productivity and Performance: *Powerful thrust and pull back capability in a compact package. *Bore with directional control to 500 feet (152 m) or more with the P80. *Rotating rod thrust/pullback cylinder and slant-nose boring head provides accurate directional control. *The boring head can be tracked and guided using Ditch Witch Subsite electronic beacon and receiver systems. *Boring heads available for varying soil conditions. *Three setup options, including T-Bar for narrow trenches, backbrace for long-range boring in narrow pits, and trench box for maximum anchoring and shoring protection. -Operator Efficiency: *Only a relatively small entry pit is needed for setup. *Simple hydraulic hookups and operation. *Optional trench box serves as a boring/shoring platform. Push rods store on side of box. Open-bottom design allows box to be lifted up and around completed installation. *Optional electrical strike system alerts operator if a live electrical cable is struck. *Power source is positioned away from launch pit, separating operator from noise and exhaust.
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